Donate To PAWS
Monetary Donations
Animals in need are constantly coming in for care, year round, due to the wide array of species that we take in. The need for funding is year round, especially since we take in the species that would otherwise slip through the cracks when other facilities can't help. PAWS is a volunteer-based organization that is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization. ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE!
Check us out at where you can read over a decade of 5 star reviews by donors, volunteers, the public that we've served, and even OTHER REHABBERS!
Donate by PayPal
Click on the PayPal button to donate any amount using PayPal or a credit card (one time or monthly)
Other Monetary Donation Ways
Venmo: @PawsSC CODE: 0650
PAWS – ws
P.O. Box 157
Waterloo, SC 29384
Amazon Wish List
Our care is rooted in the belief that every animal deserves help whether it has the hoped for outcome or whether they come to us to end the suffering. Our work is so important for these animals that have no one else to speak for them. If you follow our work, you know that we release hundreds of animals every year. If you are a donor, then you know that YOU make this possible! We stretch every dollar until it screams for mercy before we let it go. Please consider becoming a monthly donor if you can. Every dollar helps!
We also greatly appreciate donations of fish, freezers, washing machines, and other items that we can use. And we love the people who shop from our Amazon Wishlist, also. ALL OF THESE THINGS make our work possible.
We offer a very humble and appreciative THANK YOU to every one of you helping us to help these animals in need.

Where The Money Goes
Together We Can Make a Difference
Wildlife care can require a stunning amount of money
Veterinary expenses
Food and medicine especially formulated for wildlife
Overhead vehicle expenses used for transport
Indoor facility for treatment of critical care animals with cameras
Utilities for our facility (electricity, AC/Heat, water, internet, cell phone, etc,)
New facilities and maintenance of current outdoor facilities for housing wildlife built to federal standards
Appliance repair, upkeep and replacement (refrigerator, freezer, washer, dryer, etc)
Volunteer time spent feeding, cleaning, transporting, etc.
Cages, carriers, perches, water and food dishes, bedding, towels and related cleaning supplies for wildlife
Supplies and equipment for facility maintenance